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Mission Moment by Preyasha Tuldahar, MD

Published on Wednesday May 3, 2023
Centra Health

Centra’s mission of, “improving the health and quality of life for the communities we serve,” is fundamental to my practice as a primary care physician at CMG Nationwide. As primary care providers, we play an integral role in shaping the lives of our patients in critical ways. We are in the unique position to be able to delve into a patient’s distinct biomedical, psychosocial, economic and cultural background, which allows us to understand each patient at a deeper level with a nuanced perspective. This wholistic view informs the development of highly personalized treatment plans that have the power not only to address biomedical causes of disease, but also transform behavioral root causes into avenues of self-empowerment and self-healing.

When a new patient walks into my office, I first try to take the time to listen and understand their life story and perspective to inform the development of their individualized care plan. Secondly, I focus on the core tenants of healthy living, including seven to nine hours of sleep, drinking more water, eating primarily a plant-based diet while minimizing red meat, dairy, and sugar intake. I also encourage them to meditate for 10 minutes daily, practice 10 minutes of yoga or tai chi daily, spend time in the sunshine with nature and connect meaningfully with others. Additionally, I encourage patients to create a daily journal of three things they’re grateful for, three things that went well in their day, and three things they would like to have happen in their “perfect” world as a tool to help unlock the healing power of positive thinking. 

By using these methods, I’ve seen significant positive changes in patients’ lives and wellbeing. In fact, I’ve found over the years that addressing these core principles of wellness can often help improve a patient’s health outcomes more than a prescription. Especially in an era where doom scrolling and loneliness having become epidemics, reminding patients to slow down, take their paid time off from work, kiss their children and take in the sunshine are often the most underrated but simplest ways through which patients find joy and an overall improved quality of life. The most fulfilling part of my work is to see a shift in patients’ attitudes and energy levels while also noticing significant positive changes in their vital signs, reduced stress and fatigue, improved sleep and increased weight loss. By guiding patients in identifying and developing strategies to address underlying behavioral factors, the primary care physician becomes merely a facilitator in the patient’s journey to surpass barriers within themselves, cultivate self-compassion and live their best version of a fulfilled life. 

Against the backdrop of a culture of overachievement, overworking and burnout, Caregivers by setting boundaries, slowing down, and filling our own cups first, can show up as our authentic and fully present selves for our patients. Perhaps then we can move towards not only treating our patients’ ailments but also healing them while healing ourselves. My hope is that we, as imperfect humans, come together, connect and share each other’s vulnerabilities in order to reveal our strength as a community.