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Bowen family's legacy gift

Published on Tuesday November 1, 2022

A $1.84 million legacy estate gift from a local family at the end of the last decade is supporting Centra’s nursing program during a critical moment for the profession and healthcare system. 

The bequest continues the legacy of Lynchburg orthopedic surgeon Robert Richardson Bowen, MD, and his wife, Rebecca Peebles Bowen, and provides ongoing funding for the Bowen Center for Nursing Transformation, an evidence-based program that includes training and development opportunities for Centra nurses at all stages of their career.

Current goals for the nursing program include better support for new nurses, decreased turnover, and enhanced satisfaction for patients and Caregivers. In 2021, the bequest supported the Nurse Residency Program, a comprehensive program for Centra nurses during the transition from new graduate to accomplished professional. Now the gift is supporting a new residency program for certified nursing assistants and expanded training for nurse preceptors. 

"A comprehensive and holistic approach is needed to support nurse development," said Jenna Lloyd-Fisher, DNP, MSMIT, CNL, RN, vice president for clinical excellence and chief nursing informatics officer. "I want to thank the Centra Foundation for the continued support. Supporting our nurse residents to live their best lives, while we work to expand their knowledge and skills with the goals of improving patient care and the Caregiver experience, is critical."

Dr. Bowen and Rebecca were longtime supporters of local healthcare and health education. They made numerous contributions during their lifetimes, including funding a new surgical suite and adjacent waiting room at Centra Lynchburg General Hospital and the Robert R. Bowen Fitness Center, a fully equipped workout facility for employees.

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