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Cancer Support and Wellness Programs

Oncology patient and friend hugging and smiling

We're here for you

Whether you have been newly diagnosed with cancer, are currently undergoing treatment, are in active surveillance or have completed treatments, let Centra's Cancer Support and Wellness Programs assist you in your journey.

Our experts in cancer care offer support in the following ways:

  • Navigation program
  • Support groups
  • Genetic counseling
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Survivorship programs

Cancer Care resources overview

For an overview of the resources that the Centra Alan B. Pearson Cancer Center offers to patients undergoing cancer treatment, please watch the following video. Note: masks are now optional at all Centra facilities, more details can be found here

Cancer Navigation Program

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event. Your nurse navigator is here for you every step of the way, as you or a loved one navigate the process from treatment to recovery.

Learn more about the program

Nutrition services

Cancer Support Groups

Breast Cancer Support Group

View this Event

Prostate Cancer Support Group

View this Event

Young Cancer Survivor Support Group

View this Event

Woman beside spouse holding hands and talking during genetic counseling session

Genetic counseling

About 5-10% of cancer is hereditary and passed through families. Centra’s genetic counselors can provide hereditary cancer risk assessments, genetic counseling and genetic testing.

For more information, call 434.200.4522.

RENEW | A program for cancer survivors

Whether you are newly diagnosed or long finished with treatment, you may benefit from the Centra RENEW program. Centra oncology rehabilitation is open to everyone at any stage of cancer or phase of recovery.

Cancer survivors may participate in rehabilitation to help manage the effects of cancer and treatment-related conditions. Newly diagnosed patients may want to increase their strength and endurance in order to prevent future medical problems. Years after cancer treatment has concluded, rehab interventions can help improve functioning and stamina. Our program helps survivors physically and emotionally heal from the side effects of treatments. Finally, individuals who are cured or in remission may enroll in our program with the goal of boosting their immune systems so that they can heal to the greatest extent possible.

For more information, call 434.200.7600

QuitSmart Sessions | Be Tobacco Free

The Centra Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center is partnering with QuitSmart to help end smoking in a one-on-one counseling program.

Whether this is your first attempt, or your fifth, it is never too late to quit. We can help get you through quitting smoking or chewing tobacco. Through this course, you will comfortable quit smoking in just three-to-four individual Stop Smoking coaching sessions. 

Cessation kits cost $25 per person.

Centra Alan B. Pearson Cancer Center

Learn more or schedule an appointment.


Centra Southside Hematology Oncology Clinic

Learn more or schedule an appointment.
